Todd Milne, PhD

Chief Operating Officer

Todd Milne, PhD, is the Chief Operating Officer at Tisento Therapeutics. He brings more than 25 years of experience in the biopharma industry across a variety of R&D and operational roles. Prior to joining Tisento, Todd was Senior Vice President of External Innovation at Cyclerion and, before that, was a co-founder of Ironwood Pharmaceuticals and held a number of scientific, program, and functional leadership roles in his nearly twenty-year tenure at the company. He is one of the inventors of LINZESS®, a market-leading treatment for irritable bowel syndrome with constipation and chronic idiopathic constipation, and seeks to be involved in the successful development of at least one more drug in his lifetime. Todd was a postdoctoral research fellow at Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research and holds a PhD in microbiology and molecular genetics from Harvard University and a BS in molecular biophysics and biochemistry from Yale University. 

Outside of work, Todd enjoys travel and participating in outdoor activities including rowing and tennis (always with enthusiasm, sometimes with skill). 

Favorite quote: “Our best today, better tomorrow.”