Bill Kissel, PhD

Vice President of Pharmaceutical Operations   

Our Vice President of Pharmaceutical Operations, Bill Kissel, PhD, brings more than 25 years of pharmaceutical development experience in the biopharma industry. As the leader of pharmaceutical operations, Bill is responsible for quality assurance, analytical development, chemical development, formulation development, clinical supplies, and regulatory CMC. Prior to Tisento, Bill held several leadership positions in pharmaceutical development at Cyclerion and in pharmaceutical development and technical operations at Ironwood Pharmaceuticals. At Ironwood he played a key role in bringing LINZESS® to market. Prior to Ironwood, Bill was in chemical development at Pfizer and Parke-Davis where he played an important role in the LYRICA® approval. Bill earned a BS in chemistry from University of Illinois and a PhD in chemistry from Indiana University and was a postdoctoral research fellow at Emory University.